mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha | magical girl lyrical nanoha357 monster hunter264 mahou sensei negima204 macross frontier114 mai-hime99 macross97 maria-sama ga miteru81 mai-otome71 martian successor nadesico | kidou senkan nadesico68 mobile suit gundam | kidou senshi gundam59 magic knight rayearth52 mabinogi47 mahou shoujo ai | sexy magical girl ai47 muv-luv43 mega man legends | rockman dash31 mm31 mamotte shugogetten | guardian angel getten29 moyashimon25 macross 721 mahoromatic19 maria holic19 minami-ke18 muv-luv alternative total eclipse17 megaman | rockman17 misty moon metropolis17 medaka box16 mermaid melody pichi pichi pitch15 mahou tsukai tai | magic users club15 majin tantei nougami neuro14 maison ikkoku13 metroid12 mazinger z11 marine a go go | soreyuke marin-chan11 midnight panther10 mirai nikki9 metal gear solid9 mugen senshi valis9 metal slug8 martial champion8 major8 mizuiro8 maji de watashi ni koi shinasai8 miyuki7 magical antique6 magical halloween6 mx06 mobile suit gundam lost war chronicles6 moshidora5 moonlight lady | kao no nai tsuki5 mister ajikko5 mayoi neko overrun | stray cat overrun5 mahou senshi sweet knights4 medabots | medarot4 mahou tsukai no yoru | witch on the holy night4 mobile suit gundam the 08th ms team4 monster rancher | monster farm4 mega man x | rockman x4 machine robo revenge of cronos4 maburaho4 magical emi4 megaman battle network | rockman.exe4 memories off3 makai tenshi jibril3 moldiver3 midori no hibi | midori days3 machine maiden3 monster musume no iru nichijou3 mahoraba3 magical kanan3 mirmo de pon3 ma ga ochiru yoru3 megaman zero | rockman zero3 minky momo3 mahou no kangofu magical nurse3 muchi muchi pork3 mamatoto3 magical taruruuto-kun3 mars daybreak3 madlax3 mitsume ga tooru | the three-eyed one2 macademi wasshoi | magicians academy2 metal fighter miku2 mayo chiki2 mawaru penguindrum2 magna carta2 matte sailor fuku knight2 miss machiko | maicching machiko-sensei2 mahou sentai magiranger2 machine robo2 manabi straight2 moekan2 maro mayu1 megazone 231 moero robocon1 monster collection1 maken-ki1 matantei loki ragnarok | mythical detective loki ragnarok1 moshimo ashita ga hare naraba1 marmalade boy1 minna de kitaeru zennou training1